
Kool Aid Pill

I am in deep relection as I write on today’s news and attitudes with a renewed sense of resolved direction and hope. I am so honored to have the opportunity to attend the Inauguration of our 45th President. It is our Constitutional right to bear witness a peaceful transition of governmental leadership for the “unity” of all Americans, We The People. But as a nation, it has been said over several election cycles that we are at a cross road TODAY.   ... Read more
Basket of Deplorables

Basket of Deplorables & The Irredeemable

Reflecting on this statement by the democratic nominee for President, I have had a week to pull my jaw off the floor as to her characterization of millions of Americans – who are law abiding, tax paying, flag waving and loving citizens. I was standing in Alaska when I heard the statement she made. Such a backdrop of untouched beauty, wilderness and pride in a State that persevered in such weather and wild west lifestyle compared to her intolerable and her ... Read more

The Veritas Deception by Lynne Constantine

"Days after U.S. Senator Malcolm Phillips changes his vote on a bill he sponsored, he is murdered and his death disguised as an accident. He contacted one man before he died: investigative journalist, Jack Logan. He left Jack a single clue to help him uncover the truth and keep Phillip’s widow, Taylor, safe. But safe from whom?" [Read More] Read more

The Civil Rights of a Child

“I define a person as a human being with its own unique DNA. If you were to take a cell from a fetus and clone it, you would not get a twin of the mother, but a twin of the fetus. Therefore, the fetus is its own separate being. This seems a concrete, unarguable way to define a person: a human being with its own unique DNA. Using that definition, I believe that each person, black, white, gay, straight, deaf, male, ... Read more

The Last Stand for the Republic

Nothing could be more black and white than the election of 2016 – at the National, State or Local levels. There is no political issue greater than the human devastation and the murder of over 55 million children since Roe v. Wade. Hidden Choices is calling upon all leaders in the U.S. to take a Stand-4-Life this year. All races, all creeds, all lives matter. Mobilize, organize, and lead this movement to take that STAND for the aborted and those choosing ... Read more

A Shout Out To Our Good Catholic Brothers & Sisters

This letter summarizes the critical and vital role in the 2016 election of all “hands on deck.” My friend of LIFE, Father Pavonne, Priests For Life, says that, The candidates and political party platforms in the 2016 election demonstrate a stark contrast between those of us who cherish the wonder and dignity of human life…and those who fail to recognize God as the Author of all human life. Between those of us who will fight to protect the lives of the youngest members of ... Read more

Julie Woodley’s Story – Human Trafficking

Scrub Scrub…..Then Consumed with Heavenly Love You O Lord have sent your love upon me, not just upon me, but I feel as if I’m swimming in it. I am consumed and overwhelmed and speechless that HE calls me HIS. I know he has bucket-loads of love for me. I remember what it feels like to be sexually abused by so many men. You see, I was sold by my own father to our neighbor as a sex toy. The images are ... Read more

5 Questions To Ask If Single Parenting Is In Your Future

According to Life Cycle Books, there are 10 Questions most asked about single parenting. If you are a teen, Hidden Choices hopes you will please consider these issues before getting pregnant and if you are pregnant these answers might help you in making adult decisions for you and your baby! 1. Where Will I live? Housing option is the most critical issue you will have to consider before giving birth. Will a friend, a family member, the birth father’s parents or ... Read more
What Are Hidden Choices?

What Are Hidden Choices?

What Are Hidden Choices? From the moment we awake, we make choices. From what to wear to what to eat. From what to do to what to say. We keep them to ourselves, but they’re not really “hidden choices.” They’re obvious, everyday choices that we often share with others, like “join me for lunch” or “What’s on TV?” When we’re unaware that we even have a choice in certain situations, those are “hidden choices.” Like when a pregnant teenager has to choose whether ... Read more

Importance OF A Father

In society today, Absentee fathers may well be the most critical social issue of our time. Father absence, paternal non-presence, father deficit, fatherlessness – the hunger for father. Our children in America are socially and emotionally dying without a father in the home and many are physically sick because of it. This epic crisis of abandonment of the male figure in marriage or the family unit in America has prompted experts to raise alarming red flags. We can no longer just ... Read more
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