
Poverty in the U.S

WASHINGTON (AP) — Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend. The findings come as President Barack Obama tries to renew his administration's emphasis on the ... Read more

Crisis In The Slum

  Multi millions live in the most dire of conditions in the slums of Africa, India and Asia. I am stunned that anyone survives the severity of what I have seen and experienced.   Children are the most vulnerable.  They are starving, tortured, assaulted and refused security from most corrupt police forces. Alcoholism and glue sniffing are two crippling problems of slum life. They are cheap to buy and numbs the pain of hunger. It is for this reason that many residents opt ... Read more

Hopelessness for Slum Children

Slums are hell on earth for children. It is a life in and out of garbage dumps, no place to sleep except in ditches or makeshift shanties, high mortality rates, absentee parents, no adult supervision, small children taking care of toddler siblings, gang wars, epidemic outbreaks, missing infrastructure, violence, and the law of "survival of the fittest.” These little ones have no chance in life really. It is depressing to even think about.  They are often nothing more than cheap labor ... Read more

Top 5 Slums in the World

The 7th billionth person on planet Earth was born about one month ago.  A staggering number to think about, but have you considered that very new human being may have been born in a slum somewhere in the world.  Currently, it is estimated that there are over 200,000 slum communities, shanty towns and “informal settlements” are exploding in the world. Within the next twenty years about one third of all city dwellers will live in slums and grow in size to ... Read more

Facts About Poverty

Key Facts About Poverty Nutrition Clean Water Sanitation facilities Access to basic healthcare Adequate shelter Education & information More than 1 billion children are severely deprived of at least the essential services and goods to SURVIVE, GROW and DEVELOP 9.2 million children die each year 3.3. million babies are born still born WHY? The poorest of families are unable to obtain basic healthcare for their children.  Most of the countries with weakened healthcare systems are in: Major armed conflict Cannot provide effective child survival strategies crucial to child development and neonatal deaths The Solutions Death can be ... Read more

Hidden Choices Helps Children In Poverty

It is astonishing that 1 in 5 American children live in poverty. Poverty reduction is a major goal and issue for thousands of international organizations such as Hidden Choices. Extreme poverty is a global challenge and can be found in the lowest of classes in developing economies. In 2008, the World Bank estimated that: In 2008, an estimated 1.29 billion people were living in absolute poverty 400 million people in India 173 million people in China Traveling, living and working abroad for over 30 years has given Rivers Teske, the ... Read more

Hidden Choices & Hope Homes Save Children In Kenya

A never ending story…3,000 children living on the streets of a town in Africa. … victimized by the aids epidemic and the Tribal clashes in 2007-8 where they live in deplorable conditions of poverty and hunger, abandonment and fear, discarded like trash in some of the largest slums of the world, left alone in ditches or cardboard shanties to die. The heroes…Moira and William Thompson, a passionate couple. Passionate about children - rescuing and saving them. Moira is American and William from ... Read more
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It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

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